elapidae characteristics

. Updates? The elapids in the past were considered to have two subfamilies–the Elapinae made of terrestrial species and Hydrophiinae made of the marine species. Terrestrial elapids look similar to the Colubridae; almost all have long, slender bodies with smooth scales, a head covered with large shields and not always distinct from the neck, and eyes with round pupils. This order gives rise to the common phrases, “red on yellow, kill a fellow” and “red on black, venom lack,” that can help to differentiate a coral snake from the nonpoisonous king snake. ." The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains a database on all available elapid antivenom, which can be searched by species or location. Initial paralysis may progress to respiratory failure and death or may be replaced by overexcitation, causing fasciculations, cramps, and muscle spasms. The main group of toxins are PLA2 and Three finger toxins (3FTx). Species-specific or polyvalent antivenom may be available and will vary from country to country. Antivenom is available for Mojave rattlesnake and Elapid species, and it must be given promptly (see Chapter 174). Females usually lay fewer than nine eggs at a time, but they can lay as many as thirteen. In 85% of human bite cases, the snake has to be shaken or pulled off, creating a feeling in the victims reminiscent of separating pieces of Velcro.1 Veterinary patients occasionally are brought in with the snake still attached. Cobra is the common name of various elapid snakes, most of which belong to the genus Naja. Sanibel Island, FL: Ralph Curtis Books, 1998. Other snakes have venom that activates FX and/or FV.250, The venoms of pit vipers (subfamily Crotalidae) have thrombin-like activities that can clot fibrinogen in vitro, but these enzymes do not exhibit all of the effects of thrombin. Clinical signs develop rapidly, and unfortunately there is usually minimal to no local tissue reaction as is seen with other snake bites. Biology. Antivenom is promptly required to be administrated if bitten by any elapids. Cobras are Elapids, a type of poisonous snake with hollow fangs fixed to the top jaw at the front of the mouth. The C…, Cobras, Kraits, Seasnakes, Death Adders, and Relatives (Elapidae), http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kingcobra/index-n.html. Most species have neurotoxins in their venom, while some may contain other toxic components in various proportions. Physical characteristics: The sea krait is banded with blue or bluish gray and black and has a paddle-shaped tail to help it swim. ∎. Their bodies are less compressed laterally, and they have thicker bodies and ventral scaling. In the Persian Gulf (Oman, United Arab Emirates, etc. Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource. New York: Facts on File, 1995. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. The snake aims for the eyes, and the venom can be very painful and can even cause blindness if the person is not treated immediately. Black-necked spitting cobras and people: Local people fear this snake, which can spray venom almost 10 feet (3 meters). Cobra is the common name of various elapid snakes, most of which belong to the genus Naja. Elapids occur in America, Africa, southern Asia, Pacific Islands, and Australia. The egg-laying females usually place their eggs under a rock or a log or in some other hiding place. These snakes remain with their eggs and will strike out at anything or anyone who approaches too closely. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The type genus for the Elapidae was originally Elaps, but the group was moved to another family. Nature is filled with copycat animals, and snakes are no exception. The Texas coral snake has a home range extending from southern Arkansas and Louisiana throughout eastern and west central Texas. Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource. Elapids may display a series of warning signs if provoked, either obviously or subtly. Many of them are colored very much like the coral snakes. (Color Plate 8-14). Several physical characteristics that differ fromRead More. This category contains articles for taxa belonging to the Elapidae family - the elapids. Nonetheless, snake charmers and other people annoy the snakes for entertainment or collect them for their skins, which are used for belt and shoe leather. ∎. The Encyclopedia of Snakes. The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake with a maximum length of 5.85 m (19.2 ft) and an average mass of 6 kg (13 lb).[7]. These copycats, known as mimics (MIM-iks), can be quite common. Coral snakes are relatively docile, but will respond aggressively if disturbed, delivering a pugnacious bite. are the sea snakes least adapted to aquatic life. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Vipers range widely in size, though are generally stocky with short tails. Southeast Asian Sea (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam), Australia (North Territory, Queensland), New Guinea and Papua New Guinea. Sanibel Island, FL: Ralph Curtis Books, 1995. Despite their many differences, all of the snakes in this family, known as elapids (EH-luh-puds), are alike in some ways. Depending on the species, an elapid may be active at sunset and at night or during the daytime. https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/cobras-kraits-sea-snakes-and-relatives-elapidae, "Cobras, Kraits, Sea Snakes, and Relatives: Elapidae Medically important elapids include: the cobras from Africa and Asia, Naja spp., Ophiophagus hannah, Hemachatus haemachatus; the coral snakes of the Americas, Micrurus spp., Micruroides spp. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. These venomous snakes are within the family Elapidae. Thornton, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014. This can give the coral snake time to get away. Vipers include some of the deadliest snakes. Exceptions to all these generalizations occur: e.g. In areas where antivenom is not available, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as neostigmine, can be used in an attempt to prevent respiratory failure. Elapid, any of about 300 venomous species of the snake family Elapidae, characterized by short fangs fixed in the front of the upper jaw. Branch, Bill. There are two characteristics that unite the squamates. Most species lay eggs; a few, chiefly in Australia, bear living young. Elapid venom typically spreads lymphatically. Habitat: Sea kraits spend most of their lives in the ocean water, coming ashore only to rest or to lay their eggs. are also commonly included in the Elapidae family. Retrieved October 17, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/cobras-kraits-sea-snakes-and-relatives-elapidae. The tail tip, which looks like a worm, catches the attention of their prey. Elapids tend to be slender and agile. The Harlequin (Eastern) Coralsnake and the Texas Coralsnake are in the genus Micrurus, while the Arizona Coralsnake is placed in the genus Micruroides. The Family Elapidae is the most diverse of the seven families of snakes in Australia. Cobras and mambas lift their inferior body parts, expand hoods, and hiss if threatened; kraits often curl up before hiding their heads down their bodies. John W. Harvey DVM, PhD, DACVP, in Veterinary Hematology, 2012, Elapid snakes—including coral snakes, cobras, mambas, sea snakes, and kraits—have primarily neurotoxic venom.104 In contrast, vipers—including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths—have primarily hemotoxic venom. Some have stripes, but others are just one color. Most prefer humid tropical environments, and so are not found in the Sahara or Middle East, although some can be found in Mexican and Australian deserts. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Some squamates, such as snakes, shed their skin in one piece. ), and taipans (Oxyuranus spp.). No definitive diagnostic tests are available to confirm the exposure. S.L. . One of the world’s smallest vipers is the Mao-Lan pit viper (Protobothrops maolanensis), which was discovered in China in 2011. Taxonomy. the death adders (Acanthophis) include short and fat, rough-scaled, very broad-headed, cat-eyed, live-bearing, sluggish ambush predators with partly fragmented head shields. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Nationally, 98% of snake envenomations are from the various pit vipers (rattlesnakes, water moccasins/cottonmouths, and copperheads). Uniquely, the ringhal (Hemachatus hemachatus) and several cobra species (Naja spp.) ∎. This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total. Physical characteristics: The king cobras are snakes of many colors; they may be black, brown, brownish-green, or yellow. Elapids are widely distributed globally, though they do not occur in Europe. One genus is Micruroides (M. euryxanthus—the Sonoran coral snake), which inhabits central and southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. Coral snake antivenom is an equine-derived IgG. Omissions? Signs range from peripheral weakness to tetraparesis. The United States is home to three species of venomous coralsnake in two genera. Spawls, Stephen, and Bill Branch. The longest accurately reported in the literature are 2.31 m snout–vent length (SVL) for Pseudechis australis (Shine Although bleeding is not a major consideration following elapid envenomation, victims have been reported to develop significant coagulopathies189,190 (Box 10). Most elapids reproduce in the spring. Dolphins also use echolocation to find their prey. These snakes cannot hold their fangs down on prey so they inject venom through their fangs, according to the San Diego Zoo. It should be administered in all cases of suspected coral snake bites, even if the victim is asymptomatic. They each have two "fixed" fangs, or long, pointed teeth that cannot move, at the front of the mouth. In the past, many subfamilies were recognized, or have been suggested for the Elapidae, including the Elapinae, Hydrophiinae (sea snakes), Micrurinae (coral snakes), Acanthophiinae (Australian elapids), and the Laticaudinae (sea kraits). It is not lethal on skin if no wound provides any chance for the toxins to make contact with the blood. Terrestrial elapids generally resemble the more abundant colubrids, whereas aquatic elapids may possess paddle-shaped tails and other structures adapted to marine environments. Terrestrial elapids generally resemble the more abundant colubrids, whereas aquatic elapids may possess paddle-shaped tails and other structures adapted to … However, the date of retrieval is often important. Patients may or may not have evidence of hemolysis and hemoglobinuria.10, Management is mostly supportive, although coral snake antivenom can be used early in the disease process. ), kraits (Bungarus spp. These snakes can reach a length of 79 inches (2 meters). The Eastern coral snake inhabits eastern North Carolina south to central Florida and west to Alabama, Mississippi, and eastern Louisiana to the Mississippi River. All three species are venomous Elapids (Family Elapidae) and possess neurotoxic venom, which works to paralyze the nervousRead More, When most of you think of snakebites, you think of pit viper envenomation (or possibly the alcoholic beverage, which contains equal parts cider and lager – I’d totally like that! In severe cases, paralysis of respiratory muscles occurs. Some are aquatic while others are rarely found near bodies of water. COBRAS, KRAITS, SEA SNAKES, AND RELATIVES: Elapidae NORTH AMERICAN CORAL SNAKE (Micrurus fulvius): SPECIES ACCOUNTSBLACK-NECKED SPITTING COBRA (Naja nigricollis): SPECIES ACCOUNTSKING COBRA (Ophiophagus hannah): SPECIES ACCOUNTSDEATH ADDER (Acanthophis antarcticus): SPECIES ACCOUNTSSEA KRAIT (Laticauda colubrina): SPECIES ACCOUNTSPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The other genus is Micrurus, with three subspecies: M. fulvius fulvius (Eastern coral snake), M. fulvius tenere (Texas coral snake), and M. fulvius barbouri (South Florida coral snake). Viper venoms contain various components that can promote or inhibit hemostatic mechanisms, including coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelet function, and vascular integrity.438 The venoms of many species of snakes contain one or more components that induce hemorrhage (hemorrhagins) through damage to vessel walls.250, Some snakes have venom that can induce DIC, which is followed by bleeding.10 Several snakes have venom that activates prothrombin.

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