western bluebird

Populations depressed by alteration of pine habitats due to fire suppression. The western bluebird nests in cavities or in nest boxes, competing with tree swallows, house sparrows, and European starlings for natural nesting locations. Spring arrival central Colorado ±15 March; eastern Washington ±10 April. Six subspecies, 3 in North America; Eastern bairdi (breeds western to central Utah, southern Arizona) larger; more extensive chestnut on upperparts than western occidentalis; jacoti of southeastern New Mexico and trans-Pecos Texas smallish, with extensive dark chestnut on upperparts. They mainly eat insects and berries. The breeding season is from May to July. Because of the high level of competition, house sparrows often attack western bluebirds for their nests. The Western Bluebird is the least migratory of the bluebirds, and much of its migration is altitudinal rather than latitudinal. Note blue throat. Males are shiny blue above with rust-orange extending from a vest on the breast onto the upper back. He may preen the female and offer food to her. [9] Dieser Name geht auf einen nicht identifizierten Vogel zurück, dessen Ruf Athenaios und Hesychios als »sialis σιαλις« beschrieben. Attacks by starlings can be reduced if the nesting box opening is kept to 1.5 in (38 mm) diameter to avoid takeover. [5] Western bluebirds are among the birds that nest in cavities, or holes in trees, or nest boxes. Juveniles look like females, but have spotting on the back and streaking on the breast. Family Thrushes. [6] They have been found to enjoy more success with nest boxes than in natural cavities. In summer it is often seen perching alone on fence wires by open meadows, fluttering down to pluck insects from the grass. Die Nahrung wird mit Beeren ergänzt. The throat is blue in males and gray-buff in females, and the lower belly is whitish. As its name indicates, it is found west of the Rocky Mountains from British Columbia to Mexico. The western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) is a small North American thrush. Nest boxes come into effect when the species is limited and dying out due to the following predators: cats, raccoons, possums, and select birds of prey such as the Cooper's hawk. Nature's Way Bird Products CWH3 Cedar Bluebird Box House. Get Instant ID help for 650+ North American birds. Currently this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today are increasing. This species typically prefers more wooded breeding habitats than does the mountain bluebird, though co-occurs widely with it. In the winter, they also eat berries and fruit. The western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) is a small North American thrush. Nest boxes come into effect when the species is limited and dying out due to the following predators: cats, raccoons, possums, and select birds of prey such as the Cooper's hawk. The summer breeding range extends as far north as the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and Montana. Sometimes her mate stays near the nest while she is searching for food, however, he doesn’t brood the chicks. Western bluebirds hunt by diving down from perches to catch prey. This page was last edited on 10 September 2020, at 14:05. $92.17 $ 92. Male Western Bluebirds are shiny blue above with rust-orange extending from a vest on the breast onto the upper back. Identification The western bluebird is shorter-winged and shorter-tailed than the mountain bluebird, producing similar wing/tail ratio, and different primary projection/tertial length ratio. 4 to 6 eggs of pale blue are laid, 1 or 2 clutches per season. Being insectivorous, these birds affect insect populations in their range. Western bluebirds look gentle, but territorial battles can get heated. The western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) is a small North American thrush. 67% of the birds spend some of their year in the U.S., in Mexico it is 52%, and there is 1% breeding in Canada. Erwachsene Männer sind oben und am Hals hellblau mit einer orangefarbenen Brust und Seiten, einem bräunlichen Fleck auf dem Rücken und einem grauen Bauch und Undertail-Verstecken. [2][3], The western bluebird is a small stocky bird with a length of 15 to 18 cm (5.9 to 7.1 in). The effects on post-fledging survival are unknown. The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of North America. These birds are not endangered but their habitat is threatened from extensive logging and the growth of forests due to the prevention of natural fires, as well as development and grazing that have reduced habitat availability. Adult males have a rusty-orange breast and flanks and a pale blue belly that grades to grayish white. Western bluebirds are sometimes helped by birds from other species, such as Violet-green swallows, which have been observed feeding Western bluebirds and defending their nests. They started egg-laying earlier, had higher nesting success and lower predation rates, and fledged more young in boxes than in cavities, but they did not have larger clutches of eggs. The western bluebird is shorter-winged and shorter-tailed than the mountain bluebird, producing similar wing/tail ratio, and different primary projection/tertial length ratio. Breeding: nests in parklike, low-elevation pine and mixed forests, rich riparian bottomlands, and oak savanna. The female builds the nest, with the male helping sometimes. The western bluebird has been displased from its natural habitat by the felling of trees; however it has adapted to coniferous forests, farmlands, semi-open terrain, and desert to survive. Western bluebirds are members of the Thrush family which also includes mountain bluebirds, American robins and Townsend’s solitaires. Adult males in the interior mountains of western North America tend to have more extensive chestnut coloring on the back than others. Western bluebirds live in the west of North America (Canada and USA), south to northern Baja California and the central part of Mexico. A pair of western bluebirds perched in eastern Washington.

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